Tag: will writing

Why you should create your will – sooner rather than later

Posted by / May 26, 2020

There’s an important question that many are reluctant to consider. But it’s important nonetheless. Here it comes: what do you want to happen after you die? After you pass away, everything you’ve worked for: your wealth, your property, your possessions — what happens to them?  If you’ve not written a will, then the truth is that this is entirely out of your hands. A death without a will can create a difficult situation, at a time that’s already very hard […]

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6 Tips to Get Your Finances in Order in Your 30’s & 40’s

Posted by / April 30, 2019

6 tips to get your finances in order in your 30s and 40s

With you twenties behind you, your thirties and forties have the power to define your financial fortunes not just for now, but for many years to come. You don’t want financial stresses to ruin what can be some of the happiest days of your life, nor do you want to kick the financial can down the lane for later years. Here are a few tips to grips with your finances through the fabulous thirties and forties. Make a will. Don’t […]

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